Marketing and Sales Plan
Luvmatch will position itself as a mid-market, value-added online dating service for discerning singles who seek quality long-term relationships.
The cost of joining most dating sites has been increasing (and the market has been absorbing such increases). Currently, most large sites (e.g., Yahoo!, charged $39.99/month, compared to $29.99/month just a year ago. Six-month packages can bring the cost per month down to $19.99 per month. While Luvmatch will charge $22.99/month, it will offer relatively more value-added services and features for that price.
Luvmatch will position itself as a mid-market dating
website for discerning singles
Luvmatch market itself to potential members via the following options:
- Print Advertisements in periodicals and newspapers
- Online Exposure: website, blast emails, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and search engine optimization (SEO)
- Public Relations (PR)
- Word of mouth
The Company will advertise publications that target discerning and sophisticated singles in local publications (e.g., OC Register, OC Weekly, Coast Magazine, OC Business Journal, OC Tribune etc.).
The Company will promote its services on its website as well as through targeted blast emails. It will also invest in search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising to ensure that its website is a top result/choice for singles searching for online dating services.
Luvmatch will target appropriate online, print and broadcast media vehicles with a comprehensive brand launch package, starting in the target Orange County market. The PR effort will focus on reaching publications and online sites covering related dating and relationship issues. The main goal will be to spread the word about Luvmatch..
Luvmatch will leverage all of the above, as well as quality customer service to secure positive word-of-mouth publicity.
Luvmatch will execute a multi-pronged sales strategy to maximize reach and revenue:
- online sales; and
- telemarketing sales.
Luvmatch will target appropriate online, print and broadcast media vehicles with a comprehensive brand launch package, starting in the target Orange County market. The PR effort will focus on reaching publications and online sites covering related dating and relationship issues. The main goal will be to spread the word about Luvmatch.
The Company will promote its services on its website as well as through targeted blast emails. It will also invest in search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising to ensure that its website is a top result/choice for singles searching for online dating services.
8 Los Angeles Times, "Looking for your type?" by Susan Carpenter, March 4, 2006.
9 Ibid.