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Media handling and destruction policy

With the cost of storage continuing to decrease, many companies have overlooked the need for a strong and effective media handling and destruction policy. However, knowing what documents to dispose of is just as important to running a healthy business as generating all those records in the first place. Not only will it help your company have less data to sort through, a good media handling and destruction policy also helps guard against unintentional problems during potential litigation by making less material available when things go wrong.

A strong media handling and destruction policy sets limits on how long different categories of documents are kept, which types are placed into permanent storage, and which types are destroyed. It also stipulates how the destruction occurs. This should apply to both physical documentation and electronic documentation, and it needs to be applied consistently across the life of your business to establish these procedures as a normal part of your business.

The key to a good media handling and destruction policy is having a consistent and legal policy that every employee can follow to know how documents are to be treated—which to keep and which to safely, legally, and irrevocably destroy. In order to do this, you need to develop a policy statement that employees can refer to and use to guide their media handling and destruction. can help. Our staff of expert business writers can develop a legal, comprehensive, and clear media handling and destruction policy that you can use to provide your staff with guidance for every document handling issue.

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We are experienced with writing grant proposals, freelance writing, business proposal writing, biography and memoir writing, and screenplay and manuscript writing.
We have ten years of experience researching and writing grant proposals, business proposals, business plan templates, business letters, and reports.
Our professional editing team can edit for grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and overall clarity in all documents.
Our freelance writing and professional ghostwriting services include ghostwritten novels, screenplay writing, manuscript writing, memoir, biography and biography writing.
Our professional researchers and writers can provide you with reports such as SWOT analysis, quantitative marketing research, competitor intelligence, and financial analyses.
Give us a call today to ask about our biography writing, ghostwriting, manuscript and screenplay writing, and business letter writing services.
Our services include            
Custom Business Policy Writing
Sample Consumer/Industry Reports
Business Plans and Reports
Grant Writing
Marketing Plans
Website Content
Memoirs and Biographies
Manuscript Writing
Comprehensive Editing
Financial Analysis
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