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  Office Handbooks

Office handbooks, or office manuals, are a type of instructional manual designed to inform employees about policies and procedures related to working in the organization’s office environment. These handbooks typically cover a range of topics related to office life, and they are intended to standardize operations, improve morale, and reduce conflict within the office. Typically, office handbooks contain both material related to specific office procedures and more general material related to the organization’s policies, including a statement on sexual harassment and discrimination. Office handbooks are frequently distributed to new employees, and updates are made available to all employees upon revision. Similar to an employee manual, an office handbook attempts to balance employee rights with employer needs.

An office handbook usually covers such day-to-day tasks as photocopier use and repair, keeping the office environment clean, privacy issues, interpersonal relations, telephone use, and the preferred way to interact with customers in the office. The handbook will also typically include a list of resources, including contact information for key staff at the company and information on vendors/suppliers and how to order office supplies when needed. Increasingly, manuals also specify proper office attire and dress codes, especially as younger workers enter the workforce with different ideas from senior management about what is appropriate attire for the office.

We’re also able to translate your manuals and guidebooks in over 150 languages! Please visit our sister company at www.technovatetranslations.com to find out more.

Business : Editing : Ghost Writing : Specialized Research : Custom Manual/Guide Writing : Sitemap

We are experienced with writing grant proposals, freelance writing, business proposal writing, biography and memoir writing, and screenplay and manuscript writing.
We have ten years of experience researching and writing grant proposals, business proposals, business plan templates, business letters, and reports.
Our professional editing team can edit for grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and overall clarity in all documents.
Our freelance writing and professional ghostwriting services include ghostwritten novels, screenplay writing, manuscript writing, memoir, biography and biography writing.
Our professional researchers and writers can provide you with reports such as SWOT analysis, quantitative marketing research, competitor intelligence, and financial analyses.
Give us a call today to ask about our biography writing, ghostwriting, manuscript and screenplay writing, and business letter writing services.
Our services include            
Custom Business Policy Writing
Sample Consumer/Industry Reports
Business Plans and Reports
Grant Writing
Marketing Plans
Website Content
Memoirs and Biographies
Manuscript Writing
Comprehensive Editing
Financial Analysis
Call or E-mail us to see what we can do for you today!

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